Monday, January 15, 2007

Another week gone by

It's Monday morning again. Another week has gone by. The last weekend was probably the most boring weekend I have ever had. I was a complete couch potato this weekend. (I watched TV for almost 10 hrs on Sat, and 7-8 hrs on Sunday). Reason - None in particular. It's just that I could not do the usual stuff that I normally do on weekends - catch up with friends, watch a movie, play badminton/basketball/cricket (or anything else). The main problem was that most of my friends whom I usually hang around with are out of Pune. Then, I don't want to commit myself to a new hobby because of the uncertainity about my near future in Pune. I tried looking for some new book to read but couldn't pick one. I picked up "In Search of Excellence" but couldn't go beyond the first 2-3 pages. I even went to crossword looking for a specific book "Monkey Business - Swinging through the Wall Street Journal" but couldn't find that one too.

I hope to find some better things to do next weekend...

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